Equine Rescues & Sanctuaries
Arabian Rescue Mission: https://www.arabianrescuemission.org/
ASPCA: https://www.aspca.org/
BraveHearts Equine Center: https://braveheartsequinecenter.com/
Equestrian Aid Foundation: https://www.equestrianaidfoundation.org/
Fleet of Angels: https://www.fleetofangels.org/
Full Circle Farm: https://fullcircle-farm.org/
Happy Trails Farm: https://happytrailsfarm.org/
Heart of Phoenix Equine Rescue: https://heartofphoenix.org/
Homes for Horses: https://homesforhorses.org/
Kentucky Humane Society: https://www.kyhumane.org/equine/care/
Mereworth Farm: https://www.mereworthfarm.com/
New Vocations: https://www.horseadoption.com/
Old Friends: https://oldfriendsequine.org/
Our Mims Retirement Haven: https://ourmims.org/
Second Stride: https://secondstride.org/
Secretariat Center: https://www.secretariatcenter.org/
Serenity Oaks Equine Sanctuary: https://serenityoaksequinesanctuary.com/
The American Saddlebred Legacy Foundation: https://www.saddlebredlegacy.com/
Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance: https://www.thoroughbredaftercare.org/
Timber's Grateful Companions: https://timbersgc.org/
Horse Transport
Doug Moore: 859-806-5794
Zikkos Horse Transport: 859-229-6540
L.H. Transport: 859-241-0209
Jamie Linn: 920-420-5016
Sallee (national carrier): 859-255-9406
Important Information
Save Our Horses Fund: https://kentuckyhorse.org/Save-Our-Horses
Standard of Equine Care: https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/law/kar/titles/302/021/050/
KY Livestock Welfare & Complaints:
How to Report Abuse/Neglect:
How to Rehab a Starved Horse:
At the Kentucky Equine Adoption Center, we are committed to promoting responsible equine ownership so fewer horses end up in crisis, and working with organizations who share that same mission.
If you or your business would like to be featured on our resources page, please send an email to programs@kyeac.org.